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This page has been set up as a place to converse. The topic: God, religion, beliefs, unbeliefs, life, death and more. Really I'd just like this to be a place where a people can see, read, and join in on a friendly discussion about these important topics.

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good and Bad..... A Topic for Conversation.

I'd like to narrow down a topic for discussion. How about good and bad? Where do we get our ideas of good and bad from? Do these things exist? What is good and what is bad? By what is the standard measured? Are there consequences for being a bad person or reward for being good?

Let's talk. Let's continue in this conversation. I thought this might be a good place to start.


Comments on "Good and Bad..... A Topic for Conversation."


Blogger DJO said ... (11:48 PM) : 

Great potential. I look forward to seeing how this grows.

ps. think you could make the comments a pop-up window instead of a full page change?


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