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Friday, May 05, 2006

Erin's Response to: Good and Bad..... A Topic for Conversation.

Here is a video submitted by Erin. You can check out her vlog 'Mom's Brag Vlog' here. Erin takes us to the Bible and tells some of the things it says about good and bad. In this video, Erin shares some bad news and some good news regarding sin, sin's consequences and what it takes for someone to get to heaven.


Comments on "Erin's Response to: Good and Bad..... A Topic for Conversation."


Blogger Erin said ... (8:37 PM) : 

Raymond, thanks for commenting! After making this video, I realized that it probably came off too "in the face" for a lot of people, but I'm glad you looked beyond that and actually thought about this. I'm simply sharing the belief that I have, and figured that Conversation God was a safe place to do that.

Regarding the question of "good deeds".. and whether they are still important... I like to think of being a Christian in terms of having a relationship with God. For example... lets consider another kind of relationship. Say you have a close friend who you respect a lot and who stands by you no matter what. You obviously want to be a good friend to this person in return, and try your best not to do anything that would hurt or take advantage of the friendship. Obviously, we has humans do fail at that sometimes, and hopefully we have friends that will forgive us when we do mess up. That is how I see my relationship with God. My "good deeds" are a symbol to Him that I want to be in a relationship with him. Of course I fail all the time with keeping up with good deeds. That's why I believe He died for us, because He knew we could only do so much. So you are right, I wouldn't say that good deeds are irrelevant... but I would say that because we can't rely on them to get to heaven, they aren't the thing we should be measuring.

That is my belief anyway. I realize that there are other interpretations of this and respect those who believe differently. I also believe that God has given us a conscience and He uses that to guide us sometimes. Hope this all makes sense :)


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