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    If you'd like to join this conversation you can do so by leaving comments for particular entries. Or, you may also send an email with the permalink to your video, audio, or text post that you would like to be considered for posting on this page. The email address is:


    Comment moderation has been discontinued in hopes that this will better promote a freer flowing converstion. It would be appreciated if we could work together to ensure that spam or disrespectful comments do not have part on these pages. Comments or posts will not be excluded for differences of beliefs or opinions. This should be a place where people can feel free to share and converse.

Monday, April 24, 2006

A Piece of Conversation God. Submitted by Rox.

While watching videos made during Videoblogging Week 2006 I came across this video. It is by Roxanne. You can check out here vlog 'Beach Walks with Rox' here. When I watched this video I thought it might make a good addition to the videos posted here at because it seems to me that many others in our world today hold to similar views as those mentioned in this video. Rox has given permission for me to repost her video here (thank you). This video fits well with the questions I posed about good and bad so cozy up to your computer screen and take some time out to sit at the sea shore and listen as she explains her thoughts on how "none of this matters".


A Piece of Conversation God. Submitted by Dan.

Something to Share
Watch Quick Time Video

Here is a video submitted by Dan. You can see his video blog 'Dan Canada' here. In this video, Dan leaves us with a question that I think deserves some consideration. And the question is: "Which is more plausible the position of".....(watch the video to hear the whole question).


Monday, April 17, 2006

Let's Talk has been on my mind a lot. This video is a bit of my heart regarding that new site and a bit about vlogging. I really would just like to be involved in conversation with others. I'd like to talk, to get to know others, to hear about the things you believe and to share what I believe. And, in the end of it all, to have grown, to have been challenged, to have been encouraged to understand other things and people more than I did before, to know that I helped others to understand me and what I stand for better, even if only in a small way, and to have participated in this community with others in a caring way.

I debated whether or not I wanted to share this video. It really may not be necessary for me to say these things at all. But still as I said it. This is a moment when I was thinking. And thinking out loud while the camera was on, so why not share it here.

I look forward very much to the conversation at and I continue to look forward to the conversations that are occurring all over the vlogosphere. Let's keep talking, let's keep getting to know each other as people, let's keep working together, let's keep encouraging each other, let's keep on being the media, let's keep on remembering that when we subscribe to a feed we are subscribing to people.........

(I mention a conversation from a year ago in this post. That conversation is the first religious conversation I saw in the vlogosphere where people contributed video to discuss some topics Ryanne challenged people to talk about. You can learn more about that conversation by clicking here.
And to learn more about video blogging week click here.)


A Piece of Conversation God. Submitted by Laura.

Molly's Baptism
Watch Quick Time Video

This video is from Laura. You can check out her site 'Laura Louise' here. In this video we get to see Laura's sister Molly getting baptized on Easter morning. Laura sees baptism as one of "the major symbols" of Christianity and sees Molly's baptism as "one beautiful individual standing before her family and church and expressing her death and rebirth in Christ".


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good and Bad..... A Topic for Conversation.

I'd like to narrow down a topic for discussion. How about good and bad? Where do we get our ideas of good and bad from? Do these things exist? What is good and what is bad? By what is the standard measured? Are there consequences for being a bad person or reward for being good?

Let's talk. Let's continue in this conversation. I thought this might be a good place to start.


The Original Conversation Starter.

This is it. The video that started the ball rolling on the conversation I keep mentioning that happened in January of 2005. This is from Ryannes Video Blog. Ryanne asks for conversation on 3 points regarding religion. Her three points are:
  1. There will always be suffering.
  2. You can't fear death.
  3. Organized religion is a big lie.
The original vid was posted here. And comments to this post can be found here and here.
Watch this video. It is a great conversation starter and is classic vlog. (ha, classic it and it isn't much more than a year old.) I may eventually discuss all the points addressed in this video myself. First however, I think it would be good to address some of the things mentioned in Ryanne's 3rd point. During this point she discusses things that have to do with the ideas of good and bad.

I think we should define good and bad. Discuss where good and bad come from. And discuss if they truly exist and if they do what if any are the consequences or rewards for being a "good" or "bad" person.


Ryanne's take on the original conversation she had on her vlog. From Content is King session of Vloggercon 2005.

I was really pleased to come across this video. It sums up in a small package the conversation started by Ryanne back over a year ago. This clip tells us about how vlogging can be conversational and then show us bits of the conversation on religion that occurred through Ryanne's site. This gets me excited about the possibilities of a good conversation starting here and in other places in the vlogosphere. Join in on a conversation. Leave comments and/or make a video.


A Piece of Conversation God. Submitted by Bev.

This is a video submitted by Bev Sykes you can check out her vlog 'Funny the Vlog' here. I really enjoyed listening to Bev share her thoughts. She shared her words with kindness and with an frankness that was evident. I am glad to see this video here as part of this conversation. Hopefully we will see more people sharing their views so openly . Leave your thoughts and comments or make a video and let us know what you think.


A Piece of Conversation God. Submitted by Steven.

This is the first submission I received to It is from Steve Schalchlin. You can visit his site here.
Steve gave me a little more info on this video in an email. He said it would be fine to quote the email in this post.

Steve says:"
In a nutshell, this song is my statement of what I believe following
God actually means -- or rather what following God doesn't mean, which
is people of faith placing a higher value on an object than on the
human lives. As I say in the video, why is it that when we designate
something "holy," people start dying? Are we to conclude that the more
dead people, the holier the object?

This is my statement of faith because I believe that we are the hand,
feet and eyes of God. That works through us. When we kill someone over
a "holy" object or person or piece of land, we have profaned it.

Yes, this has political implications, but it begins with understanding
how we are to act as actual people of faith. The political results of
Gandhi/King/Jesus principles of relentless non-violence and appealing
to people to sit and talk rather than shout and shoot are only one
aspect. Learning relentless non-violence can be applied in every
corner of your life. Martin Luther King used to refer to "violence of
the tongue" as well as "violence of the fist." So, it's not just about
hitting people, but about applying the love of God with everyone."


Monday, April 10, 2006

The Video Challenge: Conversation God.

Here is the Day 7's videoblogging week challenge as given by Stephanie Bryant:

"Vlogging dangerously challenge for Day 7: Dare another videoblogger,
by video, to vlog on a specific theme, topic, or style within the next
2 weeks (we all probably would like a less time-pressure deadline!).
Bonus: accept a dare from other videobloggers. Be sure to watch the
videobloggingweek2006 tag and RSS feed to see who challenged whom!"


This video is my response. It is something I have been thinking about asking others to engage in for a while now. I look forward to the answers to this dare. One of the things that got me thinking about starting this conversation was the conversation started by Ryanne back in January of 2005. You can see some of those conversations videos here and here and here.

Should you take me up on this vlog challenge/dare I'd like to repost the videos together here on this site:

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Challenge

Today's challenge for videoblogging week is to dare vloggers to vlog about something. I'd like to use this site to post videos, audio clips, and text of those who take me up on this dare. My dare is, and it is a triple dog dare by the way, to begin the God conversation again in the vlogosphere. More than a year ago Ryanne presented folks in the vlogosphere with some questions and these questions led to a discussion on God, Christianity, and religion. I'd like to see this conversation begin at least one more time. I think there are more people who could be involved this time since the vlogosphere has grown so much in the past year. Also part of the discussion back then was that there were so few Christians who were able to voice there views. I think the numbers have increased slightly and I would and I am sure some others would like to discuss God at least this one more time. Lets have a God conversation.

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